

A message.  A form of communication.  Integration of parts into the whole. If you watch any physical form, for even a brief amount of time you will see that even the most immense mountains transform.  In our lives we do the same.  We transform physically and on deeper levels also.  There can be times in life that are challenging and these are the times when growth is happening.  A journey through dis-ease, emotional or physical pain can be one of those times of transformation.  Sometimes when a message or a lesson needs to be integrated into consciousness it can appear to be something unwanted.  This affect is amplified when we do not listen to what is coming through from deeper parts of ourselves.  The shift in conciseness that bring about the transmutation of such times in life is the shift from victimhood to acceptance.  I remember when going through my own healing journey of sciatica I met a women who asked me If I had ever thanked the pain I was feeling.  I was taken back, and almost insulted by what she had said.  I was fighting this thing head on, no mercy.  The idea of thanking something that was creating so much havoc in my life was not something that I thought of.  Something about what she had said, however, stayed with me.  As I started to learn more about what was behind the chronic pain I was experiencing, I realized that in a way what I was doing was gathering fragmented, repressed and ignored parts of myself and listening to what they had to say, feeling what I never felt.  The pain, deep down, contained a message.  It was a provocation to experience a more unified version of myself, to move into a new reality of experience and awareness.  The consciousness I was at the time was looking to expand from a  rational, limited and intellectual understanding to also integrate intuition, emotion and sensitivity.  The way this transformation took place at first was in the form of pain.  Why it lasted so long was possibly because I was not paying attention to the message.  I was looking at my situation through the eyes of a victim and not with acceptance of the initiation that was taking place.  In an initiation we may be challenged to move into a new reality, to come into a new understanding and to transmute our experience.  Acceptance is a tool that can help.  If you are experiencing dis-ease or pain the symptom may just be a message that is coming through distorted because of a lack of attention.  You may just be experiencing a call to shift your perception, to look within, and to understand.  Gather up the lost, wandering, ignored and hurt parts of yourself, give them the love they ask for and unify yourself so that you may experience an expanded version of life.  These things are happening around us all of the time.  Everything transforms, grows and integrates.  Through acceptance of the initiation we can move through times of change with grace.  Through listening to the message we can transform into something even more beautiful than we were before.    


Studies and science of mindbody medicine


What is TMS?