When the student is ready, the teacher will appear

When the student is truly ready

the teacher disappears

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Who We serve

We work primarily with entrepreneurs, athletes and professionals in the realization of vision. We help passionate people do what they love to with peace, health and freedom.

For some, the vision is to realize a life free from pain and uncomfortable physical symptoms. For others this vision involves guidance in bringing their hearts desires to the physical world. We help those who are infused with potential and enthusiasm step into new dimensions of experience through knowledge of Self.

What we do

Our service is tailored guidance in subconscious attunement and emotional awareness. Through deep listening, guidance and support from 1 on 1 meetings and mastermind groups, we offer a space where powerful inner transformation is palpable. We implement a number of the most current modalities in the fields of psychology, mind-body health and manifestation to unlock hidden potentialities and insights. Furthermore the crux of our effectiveness to assist in results is our experience. We are able to believe in our clients on a deep level because of what we have seen and experienced both in our own lives as well as the many we have been privileged to guide.

Most who seek our services have the adequate knowledge and skills of their endeavours, which is well, as our expertise is not in technicalities. Our focus is the inner world, which by default effects change in ones life.

We find that the most potent form of facilitation results in the lucidity one remembers when veils of illusion are lifted.

pillars of the temple

i. Commitment

We are one hundred percent committed to the service of our clients. It is essential that our clients meet us in this field of commitment for the best results.

ii. wisdom

Our approach honours knowledge but favors wisdom. We adhere to and align with the laws of nature through timeless principles of wisdom brought forth from many traditions and ages that can be applied universally and practically.

iii. Respect

We respect and acknowledge that true power ultimately is held within our clients. In the same way that a drop of the ocean contains within it the whole ocean, we believe every human is a fractal of the of the divine cosmos and must be respected as such. It is our service to offer, reflect and guide our clients to that which is whole and essential within and to ‘know thyself.’ We respect everyone’s path, free will and religious choices and honour the boundaries of our clients and ourselves.

iv. Beauty

We honour and accept the beauty inherent in all creation. This means the journey is just as beautiful as the destination. We value the lightness, playfulness and mysterious beauty that is life and aim to illuminate this beauty in our endeavours.

v. Honesty

We recognize truth as essential and catalytic

vi. imagination

We believe anything and everything is possible with an open mind and feet on the ground.

  • Justin Craigen

    Founder and Lead Facilitator