
Mind body, MindBody.  Simply this understanding, the seeing of these two apparent separate parts of us are really a cohesive, functioning system can change the way you perceive your reality, and the power you have in directing your health and life.  In the west we have been so conditioned to view the body as mechanical that it seems like taboo to say a physical pain is in your head. This implies something is made up, fabricated or used in deception like some sort of psychological crutch or cop out.  We explore mediation, but do not quite see how the  inner world of thoughts and emotions relate to the same problems we go to a physiotherapist for.  We read the books of great spiritual teachers, looking for peace, well being, guidance and yet the chronic health conditions some of us may experience are completely disregarded as being involved in this same realm.  The two parts of us are thought to be completely separate.  When starting the journey of looking within to heal, wether it be our psychological or physical well being, one of the most important things one can realize is the power to observe.  This is how some spiritual teachings, and healing from ailments using the mindbody connection overlap.  It is the power to step back and observe when we notice certain reactions in our body and at the same time observe what is happening psychologically and emotionally.


In meditation we learn to observe our thoughts.  We see that there is an onslaught of thoughts playing in our head almost non stop.  When we finally see the thoughts for what they are, something separate from who we are, we stop believing the thoughts. They have no identity to attach themselves to, they are just mental phenomena occurring.  The wind blows, but we don’t mistake the wind for ourselves.  Sure we experience the wind, we can feel the wind, but we are not the wind.  When experiencing TMS, or a pain syndrome we can use the same understanding to realize that this uncomfortable pain is something that we are feeling, and experiencing and we also begin to see where the source may be coming from.  Imagine that your thoughts are playing on a loud speaker wherever you are.  Now if your thoughts are full of self criticism, judgement and fear, this gives a context to the environment of your inner world.  Now imagine that you are under the illusion that these thoughts are truth, worse yet that they are you!  You may be under the illusion that you are your thoughts.  How would somebody react to a non stop megaphone following them around yelling messages of fear and criticism for days, months, years or even a lifetime? Everyone would probably react in a different way.  There would be anger, sadness, hopelessness and the body may start to even reflect the situation.  Have you even seen a dog who has been abused or neglected by a carless or downright mean owner?  Their bodies literally reflect the environment they have been exposed to.  They look hunched over, full of shame and can’t look people in the eye.  They show signs of tension and look as if at any moment they could run and hide or maybe even attack depending on the dogs nature.  This may be an extreme example, but remember that within all of us there is still an innocent child.  The part of our psyche that learned to judge, criticize and have an inner dialogue developed much later then our authentic being, and our authentic innocent  child is still there, experiencing all that happens within.  Now some people have the awareness that the negative inner dialogue that can occur is mostly just rubbish.  They have seen that most of this energy is just left over influences and programs from parents, peers, tv, and any number of influences that get confused with our own inner being.  Some people, however, still invest their power of belief  into  the illusion of the inner abuser.  Belief is a power that is immense, and we all have access to it.  If we have the will to gain the awareness to see through the illusion of the thoughts and dialogue inside we can take our power of belief from fuelling the destructive process that really does not serve us, and can even create emotional and physical pain.  We can see that what is causing us pain is not us, it is an experience we are having, sensations that have gained power and momentum from a cycle of repetitive thought patterns and belief in those thoughts patterns that are creating even more of a gravitational pull towards the cycle.


The moment we see this, from outside, we have uncovered the power to stop it.  The awareness is part of the same technique that spiritual teachings use to see through the illusion of the false self.  Except when we realize how the mind and body co exists and reflect each other we can see how the false self not only manifests mental and emotional discomfort and pain, but also physical.  The physical aspect especially makes itself known when we are emotionally unconscious.  In the chronic pain prone person, many times the emotional pain has been converted to physical.  In fact, our brains perceive the two phenomena relatively the same.  Remember the poor dog that got abused?  Animals do not have the same level of capacity as humans to hide their deep inner feelings and put on a face to adapt to their social environment.  The dog may develop aggressiveness to protect itself, but in humans the anger from such self abusive environment can get repressed and we can even be the victim of our own self deception.  In fact our ability to repress emotions at certain times can be seen as a very intelligent survival mechanism. 

It takes not only being aware of what is going on in our head, but also using our whole presence to perceive how this is reflected in our body. We have to consciously make the link that was before unconscious and hidden.  When this process begins to happen its like stumbling upon a power inside that was lost.  If unconsciously cultivating such a hostile environment inside can have have such painful manifestations, imagine the peace and internal power that can be realized when one chooses to create an inner environment of unconditional self love and acceptance.  This world exists within, in fact it is our natural state.  You only have to look within and use your will and belief to realize this.  So in the same way that we notice thoughts in meditation, when there is something ailing us, we notice our bodily reactions to our thoughts and emotions.  This is how mindbody syndromes relate so closely to spiritual teachings, except most people view spiritual and physical well being as being something of a complete different nature.  They are not.  As soon as we use our will to shift our perspective and observe what is happening within us we can begin to systematically dissipate the illusion and momentum of what we thought we were a victim of. We realize that our Selves, and the experienced phenomena have space.   In this realization we can begin to see our emotions, feel them and yet know that they are a phenomena we are experiencing, not mistaking them for our being.  We use the same awareness to realize the connection that we have made to TMS symptoms and our emotions.  The Separation that is seen from who we are, to what we are feeling, is similar to the separation that becomes apparent from the physical and emotional pain.  This takes a constant warriors presence, and an ability to really feel the feelings that are coming up and yet not add to the fuel with more mental chaos.  This is all part of discovering your true power within.  The journey to heal from TMS is not easy for some people nor are the paths of spiritual teachings always a breeze.  The reason both journeys have so much in common is because they both point inwards, to forces and powers most of us have forgotten.  Tapping into these places in ourselves can be so fulfilling that they expose the processes that led us to look there as a blessing and not a pain.



